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Author Profile

Brett Garfinkel, co-founder and former co-CEO of Sylo, has been a visionary leader in the world of influencer marketing. His journey with Sylo began in 2016, fueled by a commitment to bringing transparency, accountability, and innovation to an industry that was evolving at a rapid pace.
With a deep understanding of technology and data analysis, Brett was instrumental in creating Sylo’s groundbreaking fraud-detection systems and campaign analytics tools. These innovations empowered brands and agencies with the data they needed to make informed decisions, ensuring that their influencer partnerships were both trustworthy and effective.
In 2025, Brett Garfinkel transitioned from leading innovation in influencer marketing to sharing insights on everyday products through his new blog. After years of driving transparency and accountability in digital campaigns, Brett’s focus shifted to providing readers with first-hand product reviews and practical advice.
With this new chapter, Brett aims to empower consumers, helping them navigate the ever expanding world of products and services. His blog stands as a testament to his enduring dedication to providing clarity, value, and trust qualities that have defined his career from the start.
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